Evan Weissman
Collaboratively created with Buntport Theater Company (Writer, Actor, Director, Set Design) 35 mainstage plays and 100 sitcom episodes including:
Kafka on Ice, Moby Dick Unread, Tommy Lee Jones Goes to Opera Alone, Something Is Rotten, Jugged Rabbit Stew, Seal. Stamp. Send. Bang., Titus Andronicus: The Musical!
Over 80 awards including, "Best Actor in a Comedy" Westword, "Outstanding New Play" Colorado Theatre Guild, "Top Dance/Arts/Theater Company" 5280 Magazine "Best Director" Colorado Theatre Guild, "Best Year for a Company" Denver Post, "Top Playwright" Rocky Mountain News, Mastermind Award for Innovation in the Performing Arts, a National Theater Company Award from the American Theatre Wing, and the Mayor's Award for Excellence in the Arts.
Other News
Evan most recently founded Warm Cookies of the Revolution, a Civic Health Club, continuing his streak of working with organizations with weird names.
With Stories on Stage
Game Changers: May 3
Collaboratively created with Buntport Theater Company (Writer, Actor, Director, Set Design) 35 mainstage plays and 100 sitcom episodes including:
Kafka on Ice, Moby Dick Unread, Tommy Lee Jones Goes to Opera Alone, Something Is Rotten, Jugged Rabbit Stew, Seal. Stamp. Send. Bang., Titus Andronicus: The Musical!
Over 80 awards including, "Best Actor in a Comedy" Westword, "Outstanding New Play" Colorado Theatre Guild, "Top Dance/Arts/Theater Company" 5280 Magazine "Best Director" Colorado Theatre Guild, "Best Year for a Company" Denver Post, "Top Playwright" Rocky Mountain News, Mastermind Award for Innovation in the Performing Arts, a National Theater Company Award from the American Theatre Wing, and the Mayor's Award for Excellence in the Arts.
Other News
Evan most recently founded Warm Cookies of the Revolution, a Civic Health Club, continuing his streak of working with organizations with weird names.
With Stories on Stage
Game Changers: May 3